As a critical system to the national economy, STET is classified by the Eurosystem as a Systemically Important Payment System .

STET is compliant with the ten Core Principles established for SIPS and aims to comply with the Regulation of the European Central Bank N°795/2014 and N°2017/2094.

The requirement for Operational Excellence

The Core Principles relate to:

  • I. Having a well-founded legal basis
  • II. Having rules to enable participants to have a clear understanding of the financial risk
  • III. Have clearly defined procedures for the management of credit and liquidity risk
  • IV. Provide prompt final settlement on the day of value
  • V. Ensure timely completion of daily multilateral net settlement in the event of a participant failure
  • VI. Assets used for settlement should preferably a claim on the central bank
  • VII. Have high degree of security, operational reliability and contingency arrangement to ensure completion of the daily processing
  • VIII. Provide a means of making payments practical to its users and efficient for the economy
  • IX. Have objective criteria for participation which permits fair and open access
  • X. Have an effective, accountable and transparent governance arrangements

Systems not classified as SIPS only need to comply with principles I, II, VII and X.


Controlling risk

Our card authorisation network complies with an information security policy which is based on ISO 27001 and PCI-DSS standards.

It defines the core guidelines related to the information systems it operates.

As an extension of this policy, an internal control process has been implemented, based on the COBIT standard.

Controls are performed on both a permanent and periodical basis.

Service Level Management

Service Level Management ensures that STET service meets clients’ expectations:

  • Service Level Objectives: Client view designed to monitor STET service performance on a defined set of Indicators such as : time to deliver, service availability, compliance, time to intervene / restore the Service, time to change, time to report,…
  • Key Performance Indicators: the internal view of the performance of STET service operation processes used for continuous improvement.

Service Level Management trends are monitored and commented in the service dashboard produced by STET service delivery managers.

In order to deliver world class performance and quality of service, STET implements industrial processes - robust, optimized and benchmarked against « best practices » frameworks such as IT Infrastructure Library.

All STET staffs & suppliers follow the same procedures and have access to the same tools which brings STET and its clients a common language and a continuous improvement of quality of service.

STET operation processes are regularly audited by STET Corporate Quality team and by Central Banks

CORE(FR) Documentation

CORE(FR) is the Payment System used by the French banking community for the exchange and clearing of all SEPA and non-SEPA payment orders.

CORE(FR) Elements

The operating of the CORE(FR) Payment System is based on a documentation set detailing the key rules and procedures of the Exchange Communities hosted on the system. These rules regulate step by step the operations performed on the CORE(FR) system, securing the system and the exchanges.

CORE Elements CORE (FR) (pdf • 189Ko)

Exchange Management (pdf • 96Ko)

Exchange accounting and clearing CORE (FR) (pdf • 89Ko)

Process of suspension (CORE (FR) (pdf • 90Ko)

Change Management CORE (FR) (pdf • 89Ko)

Criteria for access to CORE System (FR) (pdf • 138Ko)

Incidents Management CORE FR (pdf • 138Ko)

Settlement CORE FR (pdf • 213Ko)

Key aspects of the FGC (pdf • 167Ko)

Disclosure Framework 2023 (pdf • 522Ko)

Pricing 2025 (pdf • 191Ko)

CORE(BE) Documentation

The operating of the CORE(BE) Payment System is based on a documentation set detailing the key rules and procedures of the CEC hosted on the system. These rules regulate step by step the operations performed on the CORE(BE) system, securing the system and the exchanges.

Core Elements (pdf • 141Ko)

Exchange Management (pdf • 152Ko)

Exchange Accounting and Clearing (pdf • 66Ko)

Settlement (pdf • 176Ko)

Incident Management (pdf • 484Ko)

Change Management (pdf • 73Ko)