1. Disclaimer

Information, materials and publications available at or from this website are displayed for information purpose only. STET shall make its best efforts to ensure that said information, materials and publications are accurate and up-to-date and reserves its right to amend them at any time, without notice. However, STET is not able to guarantee that the content of this website, in whole or in part, is complete, error or omission free, topical, available or that it will not be modified by a third party (intrusion, virus).

In no event shall STET be liable for any direct or indirect damage related to your use of the content of this website.

2. Company Information

  • Company name: STET
  • Corporate form: Société Anonyme
  • Legal representative: Mr Régis FOLBAUM
  • SIRET number: 480 140 417 00035
  • Intracom VAT number: FR72 480 140 417
  • RCS number: Nanterre B 480 140 417
  • Share capital: 19 951 800,00 €
  • Contact e-mail and telephone number: stet_communication@stet.eu / 01 55 23 55 33

3. Website Host Information

  • Identity of the website host: Black Meridian (SARL), 48 rue de Lancry 75010 Paris

4. Intellectual Property

This entire website is governed by international legislation on intellectual property, both as they are applicable to its form (editorial choices, layout, topics, means for accessing data, display, etc.), and to its content (information, materials and publications, texts, brochures, graphs, illustrations, photographs, software, etc.). STET owns, or has title to the rights to, all of the items of this website.

You are not authorised to download, reproduce, or broadcast any STET publications without the prior authorisation of STET.

The STET’s trademark and the logo which appear on this website are registered trademarks. Any reproduction of said trademark or logo, whether in whole or in part, made using parts of this website without the prior authorisation of STET, is prohibited.

5. Hypertext links

STET shall not be liable for the hypertext links towards other websites, and particularly for the contents of the linked websites.

STET shall not be liable for the hypertext links towards this website; no one shall create any such a link without STET’s prior express authorisation.

6. Privacy

STET may as a result of your interaction with this website collect directly or indirectly nominative personal information about you (IP address), as the case may be, through the use of forms. This personal information will be stored in by STET and/or its providers or consultants’ information systems. The personal information collected is to be used mainly for the access to STET’s Extranet.

Personal information collected can, as mentioned above, be disclosed to STET’s subcontractors or providers to the extent necessary for the fulfilment of their assigned missions.

STET shall take all reasonable measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of this personal information and to prevent its access by unauthorised third parties.

You are entitled to access your personal information and to have it amended, updated or deleted, where such information is incorrect, incomplete or outdated. You may also, on legitimate grounds, object to the processing of your personal information. You may exercise your right to access, rectify and object to the use of your personal information by contacting STET through the contact form https://www.stet.eu/contact.html.